Wednesday, 31 October 2012

At the crack of dawn..

At the crack of dawn,
let every inch of this insomniac soul
Bathe in the light of enlightenment
The sun had risen long back,
Got this wanderer back on track.
Aye, the storms kissed goodbye,
Happiness now wide awake,
Oh... how pleasurably have their say:
“look at the rising sun,
told ya, now it’s my turn!”

P.S : Life is beautiful and very simple, if only,  you only think about what you want , be all blind to the face of adversities and deaf to the hard knocks,
if only, you can resist the usage of "WHAT IFs .." and "BUTs",  while penning down the mystic saga of your  life.. :) :)


  1. This is so full of hope and a beautiful; start on a new day ... loved it !!!

  2. Replies
    1. Ohhh yes...and it's all the more beautiful when you wish to achieve something you could die for.. :)

    2. You talk like a highly motivated soldier, Puji:)

  3. Life is indeed beautiful and promising :)

    Nice blog you've got here !

    Take Care

  4. Hi Fatima,

    Thank you very much for visiting my blog and leaving such a lovely comment!Thank you for the compliment :)

  5. a poem full of rays of inspiration n bloom :)
    a happy happy day to u too..

    1. Thank you very much dreaming wanderer... :)
